Seller refuses payment


New Member
Apr 8, 2016

Hi everyone.
This may be an unusual question.

I have recently tried to pay online for a service (hotel room) for July. The company (on its website) states I must pay in full now.
Okay. I tried to use a Visa Debit card which expires at the end of April.
The online booking system refused to accept the card, stating the expiry date was invalid.
This makes no sense to me. If payment is required now, does the company (website) have the right to refuse a perfectly legal method of payment which is valid now.
Their payment would be "ring-fenced" in my account, so I couldn't spend the funds, and that ring-fence stays until such time as they call the funds, even if that is not until July. (I checked with my bank).
It seems that this may well be just a method of delaying acceptance of a payment (until a new card which is valid in July can be used) by which time, of course, the room rates may well have increased.
Dubious, to say the least.
And, as an afterthought, as I have tried to pay and they have refused to accept a valid form of payment without good reason, can I now demand the "goods" or "service", free of charge?
Hope someone might be able clear this up for me..........