Tesco moneyback on faulty Samsung laptop


New Member
Dec 31, 2012
I bought a Samsung laptop from Tesco's for £575 which went faulty just after 2 years. I bought a new power supply for £25 to fix the problem but it broke down again after 3 months

I contacted Samsung and got them to admit via email they would expect the Laptop to have a reasonable lifespan of 5-6 years. Based on Samsungs response I contacted Tesco's telling them I want 2/3rd of my cost re-imbursed as the laptop had only lasted a third of that time ie £400 back taking into account the £25 ive spent on a new power supply

Tesco initially offered me £179 and then increased it £225. I said I would settle for £300 but they won't increase the offer saying they have used industry standard calculations to arrive at this figure

They won't divulge to me how they arrived to their figure despite saying they use industry standards to calculate the compensation

Should I just take the money or take them to small claims court ? Would I have a good chance of winning if I claimed for £400 ?