Need Urgent help Courier TNT have lost my parcel.


New Member
Mar 15, 2014
I sent a faulty TV worth £1854.99 back with TNT on the 21/01/14 to later find on their tracking service that it said "Receiver refused delivery. Awaiting instructions from sender" to which I asked them to send it again as the company it was going back to said they received nothing to which TNT said would be okay.
I then get a phone call saying that there is no TV in the box anymore and they don't know what has happened, so then I complained to there managers the last one being Collin Forrester who said he is investigating it.
Now they just ignore my calls when I call up and say the managers are in meetings and with their terms and conditions they wouldn't be able to compensate me the full value, even though when I paid for the delivery service I put in the value of the TV.
I do not know where I stand, and would appreciate help with this matter ?
Thank you.