Please help me.

Witch consumer

Sep 8, 2008
Debtors retreat
It can be a bit disconcerting to be faced with debt collectors and creditors demanding money but all I can say to anyone in this predicament from a scam, which this clearly is, just face it down, they can't do anything without taking you to court and I am extremely confident that they are never going to do that.

If you get anything suggesting they will come to your home to collect the debt, report them to the OFT, they have strict guidelines on debt collectors and the law is on your side.

Keep all the letters/emails they send tucked away in a cupboard for future reference then ignore them, they will go away eventually.


New Member
Feb 15, 2013
I know this is an old topic but I recently had the same issues.


I had a phone call saying I applied for an IT job on MyJobsUK but I have never seen that site before but thinking I had a job interview I went along with it. I was told they would give me a phone interview tomorrow and making me think I have a chance of getting this job.

The next day he called me and said I need a yes from him and a yes from someone else and saying there was only 2 spots left (I doubt any of that was true) he then continued to show me a presentation explaining training methods and how they are unreliable and their method is. He also started saying I have no experience so I need training which they can offer.

I wanted to do training before so I thought this was a good chance (Oh how I was wrong!) so at the end of the presentation he wanted my card information and I stupidly gave it to him.

I got an email saying I will be charged £79 each month (also I had to pay a one off fee of £70) and I also have a 7 day period to cancel.

The next day I realised I could not afford this and found these scam posts from you guys. Then I also checked my bank statement and realised £149 had been taken from my account from JOBFINDER365. I called my bank and after a while I told them to ring these JobFinder365/MyJobsUK people up and tell them I want to cancel. My bank came back to me and said they have cancelled your subscription and will REFUND your money.

After all that I finally cancelled! have another site called which is pretty much exactly the same so do not trust either of these! Also they called me on a private number. They give you false hope that you are getting a job and then offer you something that is too good to be true.

I read a quote somewhere about this and they said "The only time you get free cheese is in a trap".

I hope this helps someone in the future.



New Member
Dec 17, 2013

Jobfinder365, MyJobsUK and myjobs-online are all alias' of this company.
I foolishly got caught by the last one as google dug up nothing untoward, I have cancelled and have logged all correspondence with them ready for rebuttal. I found out because my statement ref number and the one they said they'd be providing didn't match up. After cancelling, the direct debit company (Harlands Ltd) told me to confirm cancellation with Jobfinder 365!

I have reported this to the OFT and Harlands themselves, that the company i was contacted by are operating under a false name. I'm currently pursuing legal council from a friend in case there are consequences to my cancellation, however, faced with the facts I have to hand I think they'd be even more reluctant than usual to take me to court. They are a company that bullies and scares desperate people. There's no way they can force the money from you without court, and they'd never do that as it would throw their scam into the light of day for all to see clearly.

Take a look at these for starters (Google them, same logo/layout):



New Member
Jun 19, 2014
They are also trading under JustJobsUK
I am currently trying to cancel Direct Debit payments
What bugs me is you have JustjobsUK doing the sales
Harlands group supposedly managing the Direct Debits
Jobfinder 365 only gets mentioned on the letter you recieve from Harlands
Harlands say they cannot cancel any DD it has to be done though Jobfinder 365
I told them I have not details for Jobfinder365 and they gave me a number that only seems to go to an ansa machine

How can you exercise your right to cancel if you are not given any information about the company that actually holds your account/membership