Advice on faulty engagement ring please


New Member
Jan 8, 2017
Hi all,

So long story short , my partner purchased a ring from a local jewellers costing £1550 on sale from £2800 -- it was white gold with cluster style diamonds ( antique style ) ... after having the ring for around 6 months -- a diamond fell out of it and it needed replated along the bottom--- so the store was happy to do that and so were we -- but within another 6 months -- another diamond fell out of it ( a different one ) -- so we contacted the store again and they asked us to come into the store -- we did and eventually accepted a credit note with which i took another ring at £1295 -- and used the rest of the credit note for xmas gifts -- this was 2 months ago and the ring i have now is from a different company than the first but a very similar style and again white gold -- Last week -- a diamond fell out of the ring :( i rang the store and told them worried that it was something i was doing wrong but i always always make sure i never have the ring on when around water -- dishes, shower, pools etc... she told me im not doing anything wrong and it shouldnt be happening - maybe there is a flaw in the style of the rings she told me... my partner went into the store and asked for a refund -- she said she would have to speak to the owner who is on holidays atm and they have the ring in with them now... are we entitled to a refund as we are refusing a credit note at this point -- i dont want nother ring from the store and i dont want to get a different style of ring as they suggested ... fed up at this point!! Thanks in advance for any advice :)