Compensation for faulty washing machine?


New Member
Jun 1, 2016

ive been fighting to get a faulty washing machine replaces by Tesco for 10 months, its pretty complex issue but I will try and be brief - hoping someone here could advise on my chances of getting compensation in court.

The machine was faulty from the get go, burning smell terrible noise - unfortunately Indesit had refused to fit because of the positioning of my pipes and by the time that was resolved I was past 28 days - it has been accepted by both Tesco and Indesit though that it was a faulty machine that needed replacing ( eventually) Indesit refused to deal with the initial complaint for 3 months - I got advice and was told it was Tesco's responsibility as the vendor. Tesco they messed me around for a further 5 months insisting that they merely act as a go between myself and Indesit - which I believe is actually breaching Consumer Law as they are supposed to deal with it as soon as I made them aware?

Eventually they offered a replacement machine, I had on many occasions had to taxi to a Launderette and back in the previous 9 months - I presumed that as they were giving me a new machine that the previous Tesco vouchers I had used in part payment would be put back on my account and that this would cover some of the loss - but after adding the points to my account - they took them off and are now claiming that the financial loss from so long without a machine is not their responsibility.

Surely it is? if the washing machine damaged my kitchen I would be able to get compensation - do I have no right to compensation from having no machine? Isnt the fact they refused to deal with the issue for 6 months also against consumer protection?

Just hoping I have some leverage to push this issue or start court proceedings...



New Member
Jun 1, 2016
Is there anyone atall who could help with this? even if its just a basic idea or where some resources are?
