Fraudulent activity by a Spanish National


New Member
May 10, 2016
Can anyone advise on a matter of Fraud committed by. Spanish National?
I, along with about 100 other investors mostly from UK and RoI parted with over 6 million Euro in respect off plan Apartments/Villas in Cape Verde, some seven years ago.
Needless to say not one of us have received anything in return for these monies.
The "Company," is Cape Verdean with a Spanish Director(a) with no Registered office in Cape Verde, only a PO Box ( as confirmed by numerous Abogados in C.v).
The contract of Sale is made under C.V Law.
Now, after so many years of silence I have done many hours of research on two Directors (who now both reside in Fuerteventura) on the "Company" and have concluded that the whole episode was a scam from the start.
There are far too many anomalies in this Company's activities.
The Company actually conducted all of its Administration from Fuerteventura, it had NO office in Cape Verde ,only a PO Box, its legal representation at the onset was a firm of UK Solicitors (who are still trying to get money back for some investors through their CV offices, it appeared that there was a conflict of interest, so I declined to avail of their services)
So, in essence the Managing Director denies liability stating that he is no longer a Director of the "Company" and he has no contact with the Director who succeeded him, however they currently share Board status ina Company in Fuerteventura.
Apparently Company's in Cape Verde don not have to submit returns and even though I applied for an Injunction it was only a temporary Injunction and unlike UK Law it proved to be of little or no help in the situation.
The Company is still "trading".
The Company had receipts in excess of 6 million Euro from investors and a further 3 million Euro from the Bank in CV ( Portuguese Bank) who have a lien on the land which is probably worth about 3 million Euro, but unfortunately the Company have built "some sort of monster" by using sea sand in their concrete mix thus rendering the buildings useless.
So , after all that would I be right in assuming that I am not time barred because of apparent Fraud?
Also I was considering taking action against the "seller" for breach of contract which he admits, under the Brussels Convention, or under European eJustice.
Any information on how best to approach this fiasco would be greatly appreciated.
My interest and that of my friends is worth €52,000 and that excludes any interest.
Here's hoping for some good news!

Many thanks
