
New Member
Nov 16, 2012
Ordered 2 x H2O mops. Wow took the money immediately then emailed out of stock and offered 5% discount if we waited. We accepted but NO 5% received. Further delay but then they arrived 6 weeks late. One damaged so requested a refund. They asked for a picture of the damage to be emailed and asked me to return the goods by REGISTERED POST (£12.60). Still no refund and they want me to claim through my credit card. If it looks too good to be true..........


New Member
Nov 5, 2012
Well I put in a dispute with PayPal and to their credit I received my money back today. I also received an email from 2checkout informing me of the credit and later in the email the line:- Inc. and WOW DEALS thank you for your business.

Rather odd but at least I have my money. Anyone suggest where I should get my steam cleaner from as I still want one.
Oct 24, 2012
Hello everyone! Just keeping up with all of the issues posted and I can see that consumers still fall for WOW-Deals! :mad:

Well... beware as Mr Priyesh Patel has now registered a new Web site under the name - My instincts tell me that as soon as he completes all functions of this web, will continue operating conning consumers with and remove WOW-Deals as we are now getting too close to him, in an attempt to bring him to justice.

You can perfectly see that the above is correct if you conduct the correct searches. WOW-Deals and have the same registered address in Portugal, (how romantic Priyesh!) :D

Something tells me that he himself is not even in Portugal. The domains are hosted by servers in India. The prices he advertises do not include VAT nor the UK company registration number as per the legal directives.

Consumers purchasing from either of these sites, will be offered a multitude of options for the non existent stock,
1.- wait and join the waiting list (they now enjoy your funds since you place the order),
2.- wait a further 55 days (like PaulF... I'm really sorry!),

And/or when you have problems with the product, or is lost in transit and you demand a refund for it (that is if you could be bothered to pay for the costs of returning it!) to then be advised that you'll be deducted for who knows what costs!...

Basically, kiss your monies good bye or raise a charge back request with your Credit / Debit Card issuer or via (whatever method you used for payment)

So now my dear followers you have another Web site to be aware of...


I will confirm further developments and celebrate once Mr Priyesh Patel is behind bars! I can mention here as to which authorities are aware of him as just by sheer luck he may not know yet :p ...we're almost there Priyesh :)
Oct 24, 2012
Oh...! I almost forgot...

If a deal is too good to be true! IT IS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE !!!

It may be a bit more expensive, but you can buy from the original distributor if you so much want the H2O Mop X5 steam cleaner! This is Thane Direct who also holds the Intellectual Property Rights for this product and it is (of course) the authorised distributor. They also offer instalment options if you pay by Credit rather than Debit.

Reviews claim that their products and services are pretty good (and they support and upheld your staturoty rights!) ...try them, you have nothing to lose ;)
Dec 20, 2012
Recently ordered an H20 steam mop from bargaindealz who said it would be delivered this week by DPD and they would E-mail me details of delivery.
Received no info so far. Tried ringing, got answerphone nobody rang me back.
After reading comment dated 22/11/12 re-wow-deals/bargaindealz i am concerned that this may be some sort of scam so contacted credit card company who hopefully can stop payment.
Oct 24, 2012
Dear dannyknight

I'm afraid it is a scam and hope that you can get your Credit Card issuer to stop the payment or request a chargeback with immediate effect. As per the distant selling regulations in the UK you have the right to cancel and order and obtain a full refund when and whilst the product has not been received.

Just so that I can update everybody: We are very close to get Priyesh Patel who now seems to have discontinue trading on I will keep you posted once found and put behind bars as I truly believe that if this is not dealt with now, he will resurect with vengance and even more agresive than before.

Meanwhile to all of the followers of this post, have a make the best to enjoy your Christmas and have a fantastic and prosperous New Year.
Oct 24, 2012

Happy New Year to all of you! however not so happy if you have fallen for Mr Priyesh Patel new facelift offering more counterfeit products at even lower prices. :mad: . This website is for sale![/url] is now rebranded itself as :mad:

Please beware as both of these sites are owned by Paradise Living and until we manage to put a stop to this character all consumers are in danger of being taken for a nice ride.

I have even attempted contacting them on the number they have supplied 020 3290 0560 but the automated system prompts you with "nobody is available". :confused:

Even more, within their Terms and Conditions they themselves acknowledge that wowdeals and bargaindeals are basically the same company as they both comply with the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations.

Not much more to go and Priyesh Patel will be done and dusted. :)


New Member
Jan 31, 2013
I too have been stung by wow-deals and thanks to yourself have contacted bargain dealz and have now threatened them with legal action.... i will now be their worse nightmare! :mad:

I will keep updating with my progress...


New Member
Mar 19, 2013
Re: WOW-DEALS.Co.Uk ( bargaindealz)

I to have unfortunately became one of the latest victims of this web site, now called If only I had checked this forum first I would not now be £79 out of pocket. Please please do not fall for this scam like I and many other before me have.


New Member
Mar 19, 2013
Re: WOW-DEALS.Co.Uk(bargaindealz )

Just a wee update.Have received a refund from my bank,and have started a fraud case (with my bank) against Mr Patel and friends. We need to get this man to stop trading and scamming people out of there money.
Oct 24, 2012
It has been a very hard year behind Mr Priyesh Patel (+Lisete Martinho Coelho Patel) and his successors Mr Rajesh Rajinarath Kumar (for very short period), Mr Ricardo Rodrigues and now Mr Darren Holt of

Their websites multiply in an unnerving rate & manner from so many years ago until today:]Inmobiliaria Paradise Living (closed) (closed) (closed) (closed) (unavailable) (live) (closed (closed) (live)
and their latest invention (live). All to be said, very cleverly disguised as registered as an individual by Mr Holt, rather than registered under a company name like Paradise Living, Trident, Via-TV, Fantastic World, etc.

Needless to say that there are a number of web hosting servers and payment processing platforms advised and notified of their conning activities which had resulted, shortly after, in terminating their services to these individuals, nevertheless their counterfeiting and attempts to close them down continue by various parties including some undisclosed entity at this point, in order not to alert these individuals which direction they are coming for them and being targeted.

I can only say that by attempting to save a couple of pounds by wanting to buy what we believe to be an original product however much cheaper, the consequences are negatively grater than the pleasure, brings massive headaches, we all end up feeling abused (in some way or form), taken for granted, definitely violated and having had our rights as consumers removed is just simply not worth the time, effort, mental strain and stress that we will have to endure.

With almost half a dozen rogue companies, almost a dozen of domains registered (however half of them closed), they remain somehow active, however they just don't realise that we (the consumer market) are becoming more and more savvy and we will not give up in attempting to successfully banishing them for good!

Look after yourselves! After all, we always get what we paid for! Be good and report any incidents please! Everybody can help. Thank you all.
