Consumer News

We are always on the lookout for stories that will be of interest to UK consumers. This might be some new legislation, new consumer campaigns or anything else that we feel will be of interest.

Think Again Before Getting Builders In

Think Again Before Getting Builders In

Builders are a big source of consumer complaints and being overcharged is one of the reasons. It is far more common than people realise. This short guide provides some practical advice to ensure you get the best price for the job and a reputable builder.

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Bra Fittings don’t Measure Up

Undercover researchers have discovered that bra fitting services on the high street store are not good enough and improvements are needed. If shops are going to offer this service, they should offer a good one!

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Banks Letting Consumers Down

Banks Letting Consumers Down

In a shocking revelation undercover consumer champions have discovered that only a small percentage of banks and building societies were able to offer sound advice for a customer wanting to invest a lump sum.

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